Некоторые ЛЕ по теме
the plot - сюжет;
the beginning of the plot - завязка действия;
the developing … - развитие;
the action - развязка;
main (leading) characters - главные герои;
minor characters - второстепенные герои;
positive\negative characters - положительные/отрицательные герои;
made-up story -- выдуманная история;
true to life - реалистический, жизненно правдивый;
the main idea - основная идея;
the title of the book - заглавие, название книги;
the scene is laid - действие происходит …;
to have a fine imagination - иметь богатое воображение;
to hold one's interest right to the end of the book;
collected works - собрание сочинений;
2. Предложения с использованием
ЛЕ по теме
Положительные отзывы о книге.
1). This book is interesting both for young and old.
2.) It's a book you can (could) spend hours with.
3). This book is worth reading.
4). I can whole-heartedly recommend this book to you.
5). The language of the book is expressive and vivid.
6). This book is written in a simple manner.
7). The characters are well-drawn and true-to-life.
8). This book contains a lot of very interesting information.
9). I'm sure you will benefit by reading this book.
10).His book is well illustrated.
11).Such a book is to my taste (in my line).
12).The subject of the novel is drawn from life.
13).The plot unfolds dynamically (slowly).
14). The strong (weak) points of the novel are…
15). The author is at his best in the description of…
16). The characters are realistically portrayed.
17). There are many interesting facts, practical ideas that make
the book worth reading.
18). A wealth of information is packed into this book.
19). The book is history, but not dry dates and battles.
20). It's a book which will probably touch the interest of almost
every boy and girl.
21). The illustration of the book are very good indeed.
22). Every page carries beautiful coloured illustrations.
23). Some good illustrations and photographs make the text easier
to understand.
24). The book attracted my attention.
25). The book impressed me.
26). The language (the translation) is brilliant.
27). I laughed all the time while I was reading it.
28). The author created very believable characters.
Отрицательные отзывы о книге.
This book is dull /boring.
The book keeps (kept) me cold because…
The book didn't impressed me.
This book is not worth reading.
3.Загадки по теме Riddles about
Try and guess!
I have many leaves,
But I'm not a tree.
I'm something nice,
Come and read me. (a book)
The field is white,
Black is the seed,
And the sower who sowed it
Was clever indeed. (a page of the book)
I'm neither a rhyme nor a song,
I can be short or very long,
I can be funny or quite sad,
But to read me you'll be glad. (a story)
4. Пословицы
Proverbs and Golden Rules
1. Books are our best friends.
2. Choose an author as you choose a friend.
3. Treat books with care as good friends.
4. Do your best not to tear, spoil, mark up or damage a book any
5. Do not turn down a page to mark the chapter where you left off
reading. Use a book-mark.
5. Литературные
Прилагательные по теме.
It's interesting to read different
kinds of books.
"Except for a living man there is nothing more wonderful than
a book! They teach as and open their heart to us as brothers",
wrote Charles Kingsley, an English writer of the 19th century.
Books teach us to love. We learn many things by reading books. There
are different kinds of books: novels, short stories, tales, fairy-tales,
fables, poems, plays, memoirs, atlases and text-books, detective
stories (= who-done-it stories), legends, comics, science fiction.
A lot of people prefer reading books about wildlife, monsters, space,
historical people and events, magic things and adventure. Books
can be humorous, adventurous, detective, fantastic, historical,
political, scientific.
They can be interesting, thrilling, fascinating, exciting, powerful,
useful, unusual, original, amusing, moving, true-to-life, well-written,
boring, badly-written, unoriginal.
Books are certainly one of the greatest inventions of man.
5. Темы
для устных высказываний и эссе.
Be ready to speak about one of the topics.
1. The structure of the book.
2. Kinds of books.
3. Books I was fond of in my childhood.
4. The kind of books I prefer.
5. The book I find fascinating.
6. The book I was presented with.
7. The book I found dull.
8. Why I am fond of reading.
9. Reading is an important means of education.
10. Reference books and how to use them.
11. My private library.
12. Our school library.
13. The Public library in our town.
6. Цитаты
Familiar Quotations.
Reading is to the mind what exercise
is for the body.
(Richard Steele)
All books are divisible into two
classes: the books of the hour, the books of all time. (John Ruskin)
Read the best books first, or you
may not have a chance to read them at all.
(Henry David Thoreau)
7. Прочитай
и обсуди.
Read and Discuss.
Books, I believe, may be divided into three groups: books to read,
books to re-read, books not to read at all.
The third class is the most important. To tell people what to read
is, as a rule, either useless or harmful. But to tell people what
not to read is a very different matter.
It is indeed necessary in this age of ours, an age that reads so
much that it has no time to admire, and that writes so much that
it has no time to think. Whoever will select "The Worst Hundred
Books" and publish a list of them will do the rising generation
a real and lasting service". (After O. Wild)
1. Do you agree that there are three groups of books?
2. Which is the largest and the smallest group? Why?
3. How do you choose a book to read?
4. What books do you re-read?
5. How do you know what books not to read at all?
6. Do you agree that a list of the "Worst Hundred Books"
may be useful?
From a book review: "It is not a book to throw aside lightly,
it's a book to throw away with great force". Have you ever
read such books? What are they?
Make your own list of the best books to read and speak about your
8. Фразеологизмы.
Set expressions and collocations.
1. to be an open book (to smb) - быть как на ладони;
2. to be in smb's bad (black) books - быть на плохом счету, в немилости;
3. to be in smb's good books - быть на хорошем счету, пользоваться
чьим-л. расположением;
4. the Book of Books - Библия, священное писание;
5. to dip into a book - поверхностно прочесть, просмотреть книгу;
6. in one's book - по мнению кого-л. (In my book - я считаю…).
7. to know (to read) smb./smth. like a book - прекрасно понимать
кого-л./что-л., видеть насквозь;
8. to speak by the book - говорить с уверенностью, утверждать что-л.на
основании твёрдых заний или ссылаясь на общепризнанные авторитеты;
9. to speak (to talk) like a book - 1. говорить учёным, книжным
языком; высокопарно выражаться; 2.говорить правильно, гладко, как
по писанному;
10. to speak (to talk) without (the) book - говорить без точных
данных; e.g. You're talking without the book. - Ты сам не знаешь,
о чём говоришь.
11. take a leaf out of smb's book - следовать чьему-л. примеру,
подражать кому-л.
9. Переводные упражнения-диалоги.
- Я настоятельно советую тебе прочитать рассказы О' Генри. Они смешные
и грустные одновременно.
- Я уже читал несколько его рассказов. А ещё мне нравится Марк Твен.
Его произведения никогда не оставляют меня равнодушным.
- А как тебе детективы?
- Так себе. Это зависит от настроения.
- У тебя ест собрание сочинений Джека Лондона?
- А что?
- Я хочу прочитать его в оригинале.
- Что именно тебя привлекло в этой книге?
- Это книга с таким захватывающим сюжетом! Книги этого автора никогда
не оставляют меня равнодушным. В них всё так, как в жизни.
- Ну и что? Многие писатели в своих книгах довольно (rather) правдоподобно
описывают жизнь.
10. Советы
I advise you…
I'd like you to read…
I want you to read…
It'll be useful for you to read…
It will not be a waste of time to read…
You'll find a great pleasure…